Saturday, June 28, 2014

Lavender Drying Tutorial

Dried Lavender smells fantastic and holds its scent for years. I'm obsessed! Keep it in a dresser drawer, hang it in a closet, or use a dried bouquet to decorate your home. Here is a tutorial on drying your own. 

Cut your lavender and sort it by size. Doing so insures that smaller cuttings will not fall out while drying. Be sure to remove any unwanted leaves and off-shooting stems. 

Bumblebees LOVE lavender so watch your step. 
Save some flowers on the plant for your enjoyment and for the bees! 

Use rubber bands to band together small bouquets of like size flowers. The rubber will tighten as the stems dry which keeps the flowers from falling out. Attach twine to the rubber bands so they can hang.

These can be hung in a lightly used coat closet or any other dark, cool location. (I dry mine in the upper level of a barn) The lavender should be dry in about three weeks. Enjoy! 

Dried arrangement from last years harvest. 
(also, my first ever harvest.)  
Stay tuned for the 2014 dried harvest which I predict will be much better!

I <3 Bumblebees

Porch Pillows

Autumn Star quilt block pillows made from scrap fabric. Perfect for some porch sittin' .